Whitewalls on your ride: A Photoshop Tutorial

Whitewalls on your ride: A Photoshop Tutorial
So you want Whitewalls on your ride but don't to commit before seeing what it looks like? Lets looks at Whitewalls in Photoshop There are two different ways to do it.... If it's directly from the side then this is option 1,  and if option 2 is when its not directly from the side and required some extra effort.... Option 1 1. Select the elliptical marquee option (2nd from the top which is indented)   2.Using the elliptical marquee tool s

Colour Change Your Car: A Photoshop Tutorial

Colour Change Your Car: A Photoshop Tutorial
Need/Want to change the colour of your car? Afraid to spend the cash only to hate change? Well sit, open Photoshop & follow our simple step-by-step guide colour changing in Photoshop   Photoshop Tutorial - Colour Changing your car Hi All, Here's a post I put together for the Just Commodores forum back in 2010 - It's still relevant so I thought I'd share the knowledge. Many, many hours were spent helping people out by rending their cars for